Okay, guys, so I'm a girl drummer, which is pretty awesome. And I'm the only girl I know of who's in a band. However, because of that I feel like people don't take Wilted Roses as seriously because of it. It's because society has taught us that men have all the power, women stay home and are only good for making babies and sandwiches, and any female who's not making sandwiches and remaining subservient to men is a ho. It's definitely to a lesser degree than it was in the past. In the 1940s and 1950s, women were treated as commodities. 
Case in point: probably the reason we're not taken as seriously as say, Outlet Runner, 14th Union, or Replace the Broken. (That is, besides the fact that we suck balls and we've yet to get together for rehearsal.) I get called a bitch, a whore, a slut, a skank, a dyke carpet muncher (hello, I'm bi, not lesbian) left and right. Just because I don't fit your stereotype of the perfect teenage girl, especially a straight-A honors student, doesn't mean I'm a ho. I've never even kissed a guy (or a girl, for that matter), unless you count the time last weekend at my Halloween party when I was required to kiss Alex during a game of Spin the Bottle, long story. I don't get how that makes me a slut or a whore.
However, I'm honored to be a slut. I'll flaunt this fact by embracing my femininity. But, this stereotyping seriously needs to stop, just 'cuz I don't have a wang doesn't mean I'm any less talented or whatever than the boys.